An Alternative To Lax Penni Friday

An Alternative To Lax Penni Friday

Champion performax shirt

A while back I wrote of my affinity for wearing lax pennis to the gym.  However, I do realize that a pinnie is not always the ideal choice to gym wear; some have argued that it is never an appropriate choice.  Although dissent is appreciated, I disagree with the haters.  Lax Pinnies are still okay.

But to appease them, somewhat, I will acknowledge some other options for gym wear.  Some of which we can talk about another time, tonight we will talk about about more performance oriented clothing.  As an example I’ll discuss Champion’s Performax line.  Admittedly, most of the time I go to the gym I wear performance or technical clothing; as much as I like natural fibers, cotton shorts and shirts don’t really cut it when it’s time to sweat.

Champion was nice enough to send me some gear from the line, pictured in this post is what I like to call my neon blueberry ensemble; for obvious reasons.  After a few months of wear the clothing has help up well, it is also very comfortable.  Both the shirt and the shorts have mesh sections on them to allow for better air circulation (to keep you cooler), which are nice additions both technically and aesthetically.

As with almost everything I dress for, I do like to coordinate my ensembles when I go to the gym.  It just doesn’t make sense to wear things that don’t go together.  Much like when you wear a suit or dress shirt, it is good to wear colors that compliment your complexion.  Not to mention, clothes that fit.  In my case, blue is one of my stronger colors so the neon blueberry look works.  By no means are matching top and bottoms like this necessary, but there is also nothing wrong with them.  What is important is that what you are wearing is comfortable, appropriate and goes together.

Would you wear something like this, or would you prefer lax pinnies all day, every day?


champion performax

champion performax clothing champion performax shorts  champion performax blue shirt champion performax workout clothes


Note: FYGblog did receive the clothes in this post in exchange for them appearing on the blog.


  1. Try working out in lightweight wool. I tried synthetics, but did not like the way they felt against my skin. This past summer I started wearing Ibex shirts (made in the USA). They wear cool and don’t get heavy once you start sweating. Looking forward to seeing how wool performs during winter workouts.